In last few posts I was concentrating mostly on Web Services and what they are not. Last night I was reading and Article Approximate Reasoning and Semantic Web Services and there I happen to read about what it takes to create a Semantic Web Services. According to one of many definitions the Web Services can be described as systems with a number of features:
Until Next Time...:)
- They are identified by a Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI)
- Their public interfaces and bindings are defined and described using XML;
- Their definitions can be discovered by other software systems;
- Other systems may interact with the Web Services in a manner prescribed by their definitions using XML-based messages conveyed by Internet protocols.
- Are identified by a URI.
- Whose public interfaces, bindings, some behaviour and various other features are defined and described using Semantic Web language. The Semantic Web Language here refers to OWL, DAML-S etc.
- Their definitions and other descriptions can be discovered by other systems.
- Other systems may then reason about and interact with the semantic web services in a manner guided by their definitions using xml-based messages conveyed by internet protocols.
- Profile ontology, called ServiceProfile, is a description of a service.
- Model ontology, ServiceModel, is a description of a process itself and its composition.
- Grounding ontology, called just Grounding, describes mapping of service elements to WDSL messages.
Until Next Time...:)